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A mini split is a way of heating and cooling without needing ductwork. You have individual units in each room or “zone” that connect to an outdoor compressor through a small opening in your wall. Each indoor unit can be set to a different temperature, allowing each zone to be heated or cooled to your preferences. ACiQ mini split units are much smaller, quieter, and more efficient than traditional systems, making them better for your wallet and peace of mind.

The number of units would depend on the square footage of the space. For smaller spaces, one unit could provide climate control for more than one room.
Yes! ACIQ mini splits provide both cooling and heating in one unit.

Most steps can be handled by a handy homeowner with simple tools. For final leak check, electrical inspection and first start-up, we recommend a professional.

Mini splits work by linking individual room units to an outdoor compressor. 

Yes! Our Next Gen Heat Pumps utilize the inverter technology of mini splits with existing ductwork systems

ACiQ’s Next Gen 


An ACIQ Next Gen heat pump is a highly efficient heating and cooling system that utilizes advanced technology to deliver reliable performance and energy savings. These heat pumps feature variable speed compressors, which allow them to modulate their output to match the heating and cooling needs of your home, resulting in improved comfort and reduced energy consumption.

ACIQ Next Gen heat pumps are also equipped with intelligent controls that can monitor and adjust the system to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Additionally, these heat pumps use eco-friendly refrigerants that are better for the environment than traditional refrigerants.

Overall, ACIQ Next Gen heat pumps are a great choice for homeowners looking for an advanced, high-efficiency heating and cooling system that can deliver reliable performance and energy savings.